
Writing, slower than molasses? Yes.

In Artists, Circus, coffee, Drafts, Hautvoir, Local projects, Music, news coverage, photography, Poetry, Revision, Visual artists on December 6, 2015 at 7:54 am

For now, for right now, I keep in mind the following :

-the variations on Beethoven’s Allegretto in the 7th Symphony – variations on which we worked yesterday morning at rehearsal.

– the discovery of a title I wish to read (and will, since I ordered it on coming home): Henry Bauchau’s Oedipe sur la route. A copy served to prop up the recording device on the piano. While the altos rehearsed, I read the first few pages. Decided this was a book for me.

– letters from some of the children I met in the schools last week. Two of the teachers are part of the choir group and brought the letters to rehearsal. I’ve posted them up at home as a reminder of some of the finer instincts resident in the human frame.

“Un côté assistante sociale, un rien naïve et innocente?” (A social worker slant, a tad naïve and innocent?) – one of those passing asides in a published portrait of a political figure in a magazine article. Not so subliminal message: The world’s a tough place, Milly, what is this sentimental crap of yours – love of mankind, and all that. As if, when the sound of boots grows loud, we should say: ah, here it comes, the true nature of mankind, once again. Drop the pretense, Milly, and join the hate crusade.

– portrait of a chickadee,  done by my daughter. Still in need of color washes, she says. He’s pretty cool as is


– anxieties  (looming clouds of): real, only too real concerns. First round of the regional elections in France.

Voilà. Sunday, December 6th 2015 at 6:53 am local time.

  1. Still reading along quietly as I, too, spend hours each week working at a job that supplies limited but necessary income, while keeping my creativity and my hopes alive. Maybe they are the same thing.

    Have been listening to this viola music played by the nephew of one of my oldest friends:


    and wanted to share it with you. “Circus” was just posted 2 days ago. I’m listening to “Play All” this morning while drawing. Thank you for posting the exquisite chickadee drawing by your daughter. I’ve been drawing again (mandalas) after not being able to draw for so many years.
    Your commitment to your writing is an ongoing inspiration to me.

    Kind wishes always,

    • am: thanks for this. I must say the commitment is at the lowest of low ebbs this afternoon – which is saying at lot, considering some of the other lows :-)
      However and notwithstanding: just listened to Paul playing “Circus” – impressive. Glad to hear you’re drawing again and, yes, Ilana’s work is exquisite indeed.
      As for the Sloughs of Despond, I guess I’ll rise up out of them again, but each low feels lower than the previous one. Here’s hoping the rebound will be that much more energetic… or something.
      thanks again, am. my best to you.

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