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The show was better than the intermission

In Drafts, Food, Local projects on January 23, 2014 at 7:02 am

Insomnia: not good. The dark  night of the soul variety. The glum, glum, will this dark night let me sleep already. Only good news about despair at two am: the body tires of the nonsense, and secretes something or other to put a stop to the wandering mad woman up there.

Insomnia: in my experience, does not mix well with comedy. At least, not while it’s happening.

Before or after the endless hour of What Hast Thou Done of The Brief Allotted Time etc ? Tons of people in party mode in a house. Food, drinks, laughs, patter. I was both hostess, cook, chief bottle washer, conversationalist. A brief moment of laughter and respite and the sun; then, lugging a huge tray of steak tartar. Heavy. Must have been before the two am visit to the realms of gloom.

Draft? Hope.

The day : no matter what, it’ll be better than insomnia which is the awake version of a nightmare.